
Muslim, In general. Our merciful God you are with us

life and furious

The most world perfect teacher to give a qualified lessons is life, no human can exceed the lessons of life. It's very amazing when you tries to detect how would you dodge the lessons of life. You find it very hard while other day find it so cool. This is kind of life amazement. I tried to get a well experience about how can I control all the kind of furious I'm in life but it fell.     We are so desperate to achieve a goal With no good shot and passing, no life can ease without passionate about it, no life can be ease with hard habits. 

التبليغ ‏الحب ‏يوقع ‏لسبب ‏لقي

www.alhajiro. blog هذا ما يوقع لسبب الحب ، أحبها تحبني هده الكلمة المجردة بوصول شق الحب 

life and amazing

Life is the most miraculous, terrible, unsolved mysteries. 

contents of life.


Mystery of life

We are going to the tomb but we're still in carefree from serving ourself for the day of ressurection